
Structs Hackerrank Solution in C++ | Hackerrank C++ Domain

Structs Hackerrank Solution in C++. Struct is a way to combine multiple fields to represent a composite data structure, which further lays the foundation for Object Oriented Programming. For example, we can store details related to a student in a struct consisting of his age (int), first_name (string), last_name (string) and standard (int).

Structs Hackerrank Solution in C++

struct can be represented as

struct NewType {
    type1 value1;
    type2 value2;
    typeN valueN;

You have to create a struct, named Student, representing the student's details, as mentioned above, and store the data of a student.

Input Format

Input will consist of four lines.
The first line will contain an integer, representing age.
The second line will contain a string, consisting of lower-case Latin characters ('a'-'z'), representing the first_name of a student.
The third line will contain another string, consisting of lower-case Latin characters ('a'-'z'), representing the last name of a student.
The fourth line will contain an integer, representing the standard of students.

Note: The number of characters in first_name and last_name will not exceed 50.

Output Format

The output will be of a single line, consisting of age, first_name, last_name and standard, each separated by one white space.

P.S.: I/O will be handled by HackerRank.

Sample Input


Sample Output

15 john carmack 10

Create a struct, named Student, representing the student's details, as mentioned above, and store the data of a student.

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Structs Hackerrank Solution in C++

#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

struct Student
	int age, standard;
	string first_name, last_name;


int main()
	Student st;

	cin >> st.age >> st.first_name >> st.last_name >> st.standard;
	cout << st.age << " " << st.first_name << " " << st.last_name << " " << st.standard;

	return 0;

The Output of Structs Hackerrank Solution

The Output of Structs Hackerrank Solution

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