
Gross Salary Program in C | Gross Salary = Basic Pay + DA + HRA

Write a program to accept a name and basic salary of an employee calculate and display the gross salary Program in C. Gross salary of an employee in C. Gross salary is calculated annual basis we can calculate a gross salary by using the following formula (Gross salary = Net Salary - Deduction. ) Deduction = Tax ( HRA. + DA. + MA. ). Write a program to calculate net salary after inputting Basic Salary, HRA, DA and Tax

Gross Salary Formula in C

Gross Salary = Basic + DA + HRA + MA.
Deduction = Gross Salary - PF - PT - IT.
Net Salary = Gross Salary - Deduction.

Gross Salary Formula in C 

See Also C++ Program For Find The Gross Salary Of An Employee

To find a Gross Salary Program in C of an Employee we need to calculate DA and HRA Then the Sum of Basic Salary + HRA + DA. after calculating the sum print the sum. So basically first we calculate a DA, and HRA after that we add Gasic Salary + HRA +DA so, in this way, we can find the Gross salary of an employee.

Gross Salary Program in C Code

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
	/*Gross Salary of an Employee in C*/

	float GrossPayment, basic, da, hra, da1, hra1;

	printf("Enter basic salary : ");
	scanf("%f", &basic);

	printf("Enter DA : ");
	scanf("%f", &da1);

	printf("Enter HRA : ");
	scanf("%f", &hra1);

	da = (da1 *basic) / 100;
	hra = (hra1 *basic) / 100;

	GrossPayment = basic + da + hra;

	printf("\nGross Salary of an Employee:%f\n", GrossPayment);
	return (0);

See Also Java Program For Find The Gross Salary Of An Employee

The Output of the Gross Salary Program

The Output of the Gross Salary Program

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