
Tree Traversal In C | Inorder, Preorder and Postorder {with Code}

In a Data Structure (here, tree data structure), traversing is to visit or (touch) each element of the structure. Tree Traversal means visiting each node of the tree.

Why Traversing?

Traversing can be helpful when you need to visit each node of a structure. For instance, if you want to find the sum of all nodes of the tree.

Linear data structures like stacks and queues have only one way to traverse i.e. linear but hierarchical data structures like trees can be traversed in different ways. If you are looking for C++ Homework Help then you can contact codingzap.com

Tree Traversal In C

Tree Traversal In C

A node of a tree can be implemented in C as:

  • Data
  • Left Subtree
  • Right Subtree

Trees can be traversed in three ways:

1. Inorder Traversal


  • Visit all nodes in the left subtree
  • Visit root node
  • Visit all nodes in the right subtree

C Implementation

Inorder Traversal in C

2. Preorder Traversal


  • Visit root node
  • Visit all nodes in the left subtree
  • Visit all nodes in the right subtree

C Implementation

Preorder Traversal in C

3. Postorder Traversal


  • Visit all nodes in the left subtree
  • Visit all nodes in the right subtree
  • Visit root node

C Implementation

Postorder Traversal in C

1. Creating a Node

Create a new node with left and right subtree null and data as given.

Creating a Node

2. Insert Nodes to the Root

Create a new node and insert it to the left or right of the root

Insert Nodes to the Root

2.1 Insert Nodes to Left and Right

Insert Nodes to Left and Right

3. Driver Code

We are creating this tree for traversal 

Driver Code

Then, we will traverse the tree in different orders

Code for Tree Traversal In C

// Tree traversals in C

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

// Structure of a node of tree

struct node


    int data;

    struct node* left;

    struct node* right;


// Create a New Node

struct node* createNode(int data)


    // Allocate memory eauivalent to node structure and hold

    // address in node pointer

    struct node* newNode = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

    newNode -> data = data;

    newNode -> left = NULL;

    newNode -> right = NULL;

    return newNode;


// Insert a new node to left of the given node

struct node* insertLeft(struct node* root, int data)


    root -> left = createNode(data);

    return root;


// Insert a new node to right of the given node

struct node* insertRight(struct node* root, int data)


    root -> right = createNode(data);

    return root;


// Inorder traversal

void inorder(struct node* root)


    if (root == NULL) return;


    inorder(root -> left);

    printf("%d ", root -> data);

    inorder(root -> right);


// Preorder traversal

void preorder(struct node* root)


    if (root == NULL) return;

    printf("%d ", root -> data);

    preorder(root -> left);

    preorder(root -> right);


// Postorder traversal

void postorder(struct node* root)


    if (root == NULL) return;

    postorder(root -> left);

    postorder(root -> right);

    printf("%d ", root -> data);    


// Driver Code

int main()


    struct node* root = createNode(4);

    insertLeft(root, 21);

    insertRight(root, 13);

    insertLeft(root -> left, 34);

    insertRight(root -> left, 0);

    insertLeft(root -> right, 18);

    insertRight(root -> right, 19);

    printf("Inorder traversal of the Tree is : ");




    printf("Preorder traversal of the Tree is : ");



    printf("Postorder traversal of the Tree is : ");


    return 0;


Output Tree Traversal

Output Tree Traversal

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