
How to Make Money Selling Mobile Apps to Local Businesses in 2024

So you want to make money by selling apps? You will find lots of articles covering the topic. Most will repeat the same things such as how you can market your app or use ads to generate revenue. You need to understand the difference between what comes first and what comes later. Marketing your app or using ads comes later in the process. 

First, you need to have a firm grip on the market to make a stand. Let us look at the process from the very beginning…

Make Money Selling Mobile Apps

8 Ways to Make Money Selling Mobile Apps to Local Businesses

  1. First Things First
  2. Do Your Homework
  3. Go Ahead and Develop a Few Apps
  4. Marketing
  5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  6. Convert Leads into Profitable Clients
  7. You’ve got a Project. What Next?
  8. It is Time to Grow

1. First Things First

Hire a professional team with experience in their respective fields. For app development, you will need two teams. One to design the app, and the other to develop, deploy, and maintain the app. You will also need a marketing team to let people know about your app development expertise. Get the right people who are passionate about their work and be on your way to making money within no time at all.

2. Do Your Homework

Selling apps to the local market can be tricky if you do not know what you are doing. Go out in the market to see what businesses are doing. Research how they are connecting to their customers. Find the key touchpoints and make a list. Find out the type of apps that local businesses are using. It does not matter if they are using an e-commerce app to connect with customers or a collaborative app to connect with their employees.

Do Your Homework

Try to find gaps in their needs. Understand why they are using an app, and think of unique ways to fulfil those needs with a different app. List down the needs that are not being fulfilled and try to adjust them within your app solution.

3. Go Ahead and Develop a Few Apps

Develop a few ready-to-use apps to showcase your expertise. Come up with aesthetic designs to catch the attention of potential clients. Make sure the apps you develop are easy-to-use and customizable. Get a website up and running, and include the developed apps in your portfolio. 

AnySend app is one of the examples of a few Leading Messaging apps on the Market. Be as creative as you possibly can with catchy headings and attractive mockups. Show that you can do anything your clients can think of and more.

4. Marketing

Marketing starts with the inception of a company. Without marketing, you cannot hope to sell your products. To make money, first, you have to spend money. Now that you have an online presence, in the form of a website, start increasing your existence by making social media pages. Be everywhere, such as on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linked In, YouTube, etc.


Engage with your customers on these social media sites to increase your credibility. Start with the Pay-Per-Click (PPC) model on Google. Take advantage of Google Ads to show your presence to potential clients. Use the right keywords such as applications development services, mobile app development, and app development company. 

Keywords help because companies look online for such app development services. When they search using one of the keywords you have utilized, your ad will show in their search results. As soon as they click on the ad and get to your website, half of your work is done. If they are impressed by your portfolio and design, they will hire you.

5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

As explained above, you need to use the right keywords for your online presence to mean something. SEO brings your website and other social media pages higher in search results. People looking for such services do not usually move on to the second page of their search engine. They choose a company from the first page of search results. For this reason, it is important to do SEO properly.

Search Engine Optimization

Get advice from SEO consultants, or hire an in-house SEO specialist to help you. A specialist knows about the field and will immediately give you the results you are looking for. Add your business to Google My Business and other sites with business listings. With your name on the right websites, your SEO ranking will improve, and you will start getting leads.

6. Convert Leads into Profitable Clients

Converting leads into profitable clients is the most important part, as it will decide if you can run the business. Hire a sales team that has experience in the IT industry. Since app development is a technical business, you need people with that kind of knowledge to talk to clients.

Companies coming to you for app development will have done their homework, and they will have some knowledge about app development. Now it is up to your sales team to convert leads into profitable customers.

7. You’ve Got a Project. What Next?

Understand the requirements of your clients thoroughly. Ask all the questions you have in your mind about the project. Work on a few ideas and show them to the clients. Now it is time to make a timeline for the completion of the project. Adhere to your timeline no matter what. Include some time for variable changes and the testing phase.

Develop the app with all the latest features that will be useful for your client. Before delivering the app, pitch your marketing plan to the client as well. More often than not, if your work is impressive, the client will accept your marketing proposal as well. You have already done your marketing and SEO, so it should not be a problem to do the same for your client. 

It will bring in more money than you bargained for. After the project is delivered and deployed successfully, include it in your portfolio politely ask the client to leave a review on Google, and write a testimonial that you could use on your website.

8. It is Time to Grow

You have learned how you can attract leads and convert them into profitable customers. Repeat the process, and you will acquire multiple leads. Increase your sales, design, and development team to cater to the needs of increasing clients. You will be on your way to success. No matter what you do, make sure that you satisfy your clients and fulfil their requirements. Keeping your clients happy is the key to long-term sustainable growth.
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