
Write a C Program to Calculate Simple Interest

Write a C Program to Calculate Simple Interest. Given formula show that to calculate a Simple Interest. You can calculate a Simple Interest by just providing the Principle Amount, Rate of Interest and Time or Periods provided by the user input. How to calculate simple interest in C program. How to find simple interest. Simple interest C program. We can calculate the Simple Interest by the below Formula.

C Program For Calculate Simple Interest

include <stdio.h>
int main() { /*C Program to Calculate Simple Interest*/ float amount, rate, time, si; printf("\nEnter Principal Amount: "); scanf("%f", &amount); printf("\nEnter Rate of Interest: "); scanf("%f", &rate); printf("\nEnter Period of Time: "); scanf("%f", &time); si = (amount *rate *time) / 100; printf("\nSimple Interest: %f", si); return (0); }

Simple Interest Formula in C

Simple Interest = ( Principal Amount * Rate of Interest * Time ) / 100;

The Output of the Program For Calculate Simple Interest 

The Output of the Program For Calculate Simple Interest

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