
How to Find Length of String in C++ Without Using Strlen()

How to Find Length of String in C++ Without Using Strlen(). C++ program to find the length of a string without using strlen. Write a C++ program to find a number of characters in a given string without using a library function. Program to find the length of a string taken from the user without using an inbuilt function.

How to Find Length of String in C++ Without Using Strlen()

  • First, take a String input from the user and store the string gets() functions.
  • Now, initialize the FOR LOOP, i = 0.
  • Count string characters from start i = 0 to end ( '\0' ) and Increase the array index by 1.
  • At the end print the value of i. Here we can either use a count variable and increase the count by 1 in each iteration.
  • Here no need to use an extra variable, Print the last index of an array. We can calculate a length of a string.

Length of String in C++ Without Using Library Function

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

int main()
	/*Find Length of String in C++ Without Using Strlen() */

	cout << "=======================================";
	cout << "\nVisit - www.programmingwithbasics.com";
	cout << "\n=====================================";

	char a[50];
	int i;
	cout << "Enter An Any  String:\t";

	for (i = 0; a[i] != '\0'; ++i) {}

	cout << "\nLenth Of The Given String Given Below Is\n\n";
	cout << i << endl;
	return 0;


The Output of Find Length of String in C++ Without Strlen

The Output of Find Length of String in C++ Without Strlen

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