
Write a Program to Calculate Total Salary of an Employee in C++

write a program to calculate the total salary of a person. the user has to enter the basic salary (an integer ) and the grade (an uppercase character), and depending upon which the total salary is calculated as - Total Salary = Basic + HRA + DA + Allow – PF. Write a C++ Program To Find The Gross Salary Of An Employee. Write a c++ program to prompt the user to enter the scale and then print the employee’s basic pay, house rent allowance and total pay by using a function.

Write a Program to Calculate Total Salary of an Employee in C++

Gross salary is different from Net, Salary gross salary calculated annual basis we can calculate a gross salary by using the following formula (Gross salary = Net Salary - Deduction. ). Deduction = Tax ( HRA. + DA. + MA. ).

Gross Salary Formula in C++

Gross Salary = Basic Salary + HRA + Other Allowances

Deduction = Gross Salary - PF - PT - IT.

Net Salary = Gross Salary - Deduction.

See Also C Program For Find The Gross Salary of An Employee

To find a gross salary of an Employee we need to calculate DA and HRA then the Sum Of Basic Salary + HRA + DA. after calculating the sum print the sum. So basically first we calculate a DA, and HRA after that we add basic salary + HRA +DA so, in this way, we can find the Gross salary of an employee.

Program to Calculate the Total Salary of an Employee in C++

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
	/* c++ program to calculate gross salary of an employee */

	float GrossPayment, basic, da, hra, da1, hra1;

	cout << " Enter basic salary : ";
	cin >> basic;

	cout << " Enter DA : ";
	cin >> da1;

	cout << " Enter HRA : ";
	cin >> hra1;

	da = (da1 *basic) / 100;
	hra = (hra1 *basic) / 100;

	GrossPayment = basic + da + hra;

	cout << "\n Gross Salary :" << GrossPayment << endl;;
	return (0);


See Also Program to Calculate Gross Salary of an Employee in Java

The Output of C++ Program to Calculate Gross Salary of an Employee

C++ Program to Calculate Gross Salary of an Employee


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